Why You Should Get a Movement Screen from a Physical Therapist Before Starting Your Fitness Program

Why You Should Get a Movement Screen from a Physical Therapist Before Starting Your Fitness Program


Starting a new fitness program is exciting, but jumping in without assessing your movement patterns can increase your risk of injury and hinder your progress. A movement screen, conducted by a physical therapist, is a valuable tool to evaluate your body’s mechanics, identify imbalances, and optimize your workout plan. At Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance, we use movement screens to ensure athletes and active adults begin their fitness journeys with a solid foundation for success.

What Is a Movement Screen, and Why Does It Matter?

A movement screen is a comprehensive evaluation of how your body moves during various activities. It assesses your flexibility, strength, stability, and coordination to identify any dysfunctions or imbalances that could lead to injury. Whether you’re starting a weightlifting routine, marathon training, or a new group fitness class, a movement screen helps pinpoint areas that need improvement before you begin intense workouts. This evaluation is essential for minimizing injury risk and maximizing your fitness potential.

How Physical Therapy Enhances Your Fitness Journey

At Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance, our physical therapists use movement screens to analyze your posture, joint alignment, and muscle activation. This information allows us to create a tailored fitness plan that addresses your specific needs, ensuring your workouts are safe and effective. By identifying weaknesses, asymmetries, or mobility issues, we can help correct faulty movement patterns and prevent common injuries like strains, sprains, or overuse injuries. Physical therapy plays a key role in setting the stage for long-term fitness success.

Is It Necessary to Get a Movement Screen from a Physical Therapist?

While many fitness programs start without a formal assessment, skipping a movement screen can lead to significant problems down the road. A physical therapist provides expert insights into how your body moves and identifies potential problem areas that might not be obvious. By undergoing a movement screen at Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance, you receive a personalized analysis that sets you up for success, making professional guidance essential for avoiding setbacks and ensuring safe progress.

The Importance of Early Intervention in Preventing Injury

Many injuries occur not because of a single event, but due to faulty movement patterns that accumulate stress over time. A movement screen allows us to catch these issues early, before they become injuries that disrupt your fitness routine. At Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance, we focus on early diagnosis and targeted interventions to prevent problems from escalating, allowing you to stay consistent with your workouts and avoid downtime.

The Benefits of a Movement Screen Before Starting Your Fitness Program

The Benefits of a Movement Screen Before Starting Your Fitness Program

1. Identifying Muscle Imbalances and Weaknesses

Movement screens help uncover muscle imbalances, where one side of the body may be stronger or more flexible than the other. These imbalances can lead to compensations that put stress on joints, tendons, and muscles, increasing the risk of injury. By identifying and addressing these imbalances early, you can correct them before they interfere with your workouts or lead to pain.

2. Assessing Joint Mobility and Flexibility

Limited mobility in areas such as the hips, shoulders, or ankles can drastically affect your exercise form and movement efficiency. A movement screen allows us to pinpoint any restrictions in joint mobility, helping you improve flexibility and range of motion. This makes exercises like squats, lunges, and overhead presses more effective and safer.

3. Optimizing Your Exercise Technique

Faulty movement patterns, such as improper posture or joint alignment, can reduce the effectiveness of your workouts and increase your risk of injury. A movement screen helps you fine-tune your technique, ensuring that you perform exercises with proper form. At Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance, we tailor movement corrections to your individual needs, ensuring that you move efficiently and safely.

Pain Management and Recovery

If you’re starting a fitness program with any pre-existing pain or discomfort, a movement screen is essential to manage these issues. Physical therapy offers personalized pain management strategies, including manual therapy and corrective exercises, to alleviate pain and correct the underlying causes. At Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance, we focus on resolving pain and improving movement patterns so you can start your fitness journey on the right foot.

Preventing Future Injuries

The biggest advantage of getting a movement screen before starting your fitness program is injury prevention. By addressing weaknesses, imbalances, and movement dysfunctions early, you can significantly reduce your risk of sustaining injuries during your workouts. At Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance, we provide personalized plans to maintain strength, flexibility, and mobility, ensuring long-term fitness success.


A movement screen conducted by a physical therapist is a vital step in ensuring that your fitness program starts on a strong, injury-free foundation. By identifying imbalances, improving mobility, and optimizing technique, you can enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. Contact Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance today to schedule your movement screen and start your fitness journey with confidence.


What is a movement screen, and why is it important?

• A movement screen is a comprehensive evaluation of your body’s mechanics, designed to identify imbalances, weaknesses, and faulty movement patterns. It is essential for preventing injuries and optimizing your fitness program.

Can a movement screen help prevent injuries?

• Yes, a movement screen identifies areas of weakness or imbalance that could lead to injury. Addressing these issues before starting a fitness program helps prevent common injuries like strains, sprains, or overuse problems.

How often should I get a movement screen?

• It’s a good idea to get a movement screen before starting any new fitness program, and again if you notice pain or a decline in performance. Regular screens can help ensure that your body is moving correctly as your fitness level increases.

Dr. Tyler Sinda

Tyler’s specialty is helping golfers, athletes and active individuals in Scottsdale find ways to allow them to continue to workout while rehabbing from injury.

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