Healing Tennis Elbow: A Comprehensive Guide To Recovery & Physical Therapy

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a common injury that affects the outer part of the elbow. It is caused by overuse and repetitive motions, particularly among athletes and individuals who play tennis and pickle ball frequently. The pain and discomfort associated with tennis elbow can greatly impact one’s quality of life and ability to perform everyday tasks.

Physical therapy is a highly effective treatment option for individuals looking to recover from tennis elbow. Through a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises, ice and heat therapy, and massage and soft tissue mobilization, physical therapy can help reduce pain, improve joint function, and promote healing.

In this comprehensive guide to physical therapy for tennis elbow, we will explore the different techniques and treatments available for individuals looking to recover from this debilitating injury. From understanding the symptoms of tennis elbow to the benefits of physical therapy, this guide is an essential resource for anyone looking to get back on the court and start healing.

Understanding Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a common injury that affects the outer part of the elbow. It is caused by overuse and repetitive motions, particularly among athletes and individuals who play tennis and pickle ball frequently. The pain and discomfort associated with tennis elbow can greatly impact one’s quality of life and ability to perform everyday tasks.

Physical therapy is a highly effective treatment option for individuals looking to recover from tennis elbow. Through a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises, ice and heat therapy, and massage and soft tissue mobilization, physical therapy can help reduce pain, improve joint function, and promote healing.

In this comprehensive guide to physical therapy for tennis elbow, we will explore the different techniques and treatments available for individuals looking to recover from this debilitating injury. From understanding the symptoms of tennis elbow to the benefits of physical therapy, this guide is an essential resource for anyone looking to get back on the court and start healing.

Symptoms of Tennis Elbow

The following are the common symptoms of tennis elbow:

  • Pain and tenderness on the outer part of the elbow
  • Weakness in the forearm
  • A dull ache that can radiate down the arm
  • Burning or tingling sensation in the affected area
  • Stiffness or difficulty moving the affected arm
  • Decreased grip strength
  • Swelling or tenderness in the affected area

It is important to note that symptoms of tennis elbow may vary in severity and may not appear immediately after the injury has occurred. In some cases, the pain and discomfort associated with tennis elbow can persist for several weeks or even months.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is important to seek the help of a physical therapist. A physical therapist can accurately diagnose tennis elbow and develop a comprehensive treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment to Healing Tennis Elbow

Early diagnosis and treatment of tennis elbow is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of physical therapy and achieving optimal recovery. By receiving prompt and appropriate care, individuals with tennis elbow can reduce pain, improve joint function, and prevent the progression of the injury.

Untreated or misdiagnosed tennis elbow can lead to chronic pain, decreased range of motion, and the development of other secondary conditions. In severe cases, individuals with untreated tennis elbow may require surgical intervention.

A physical therapist can accurately diagnose tennis elbow and develop a comprehensive treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals. Through a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises, dry needling, blood flow restriction training, massage and soft tissue mobilization, physical therapy can help reduce pain, improve joint function, and promote healing.

If you suspect that you may have tennis elbow, it is important to seek the help of a physical therapist as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the outcome of your injury and help you get back to the activities you love sooner.

Physical Therapy for Tennis Elbow Recovery

Physical therapy is a crucial component of recovery for individuals with tennis elbow. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) may cause pain near the elbow joint A physical therapist can develop a comprehensive treatment plan that takes into account the underlying causes of your injury and the severity of your symptoms.

The following are some common physical therapy techniques used to treat tennis elbow:

  1. Stretching and Strengthening Exercises: Physical therapists typically recommend specific stretching and strengthening exercises to improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and increase strength in the affected arm.
  2. Massage and Soft Tissue Mobilization: Massage and soft tissue mobilization can improve circulation, reduce pain and stiffness, and promote healing in the affected area.
  3. Activity Modification: Physical therapists may recommend changes to daily activities, such as modifying your grip or technique when playing tennis, to reduce stress on the affected arm and prevent further injury.
  4. Bracing or Splinting: Physical therapists may also recommend the use of a brace or splint to support the affected arm and reduce stress on the tendons during activity.
  5. Blood Flow Restriction Training: This therapy involves using a tourniquet to restrict blood flow to the affected limb, which can stimulate muscle growth and promote healing.
  6. Spinal Manipulation: Physical therapists may use spinal manipulation to address any underlying issues in the spine that may be contributing to tennis elbow pain.
  7. Dry Needling: This therapy involves inserting fine needles into trigger points in the affected muscle to relieve pain and improve function.

Physical therapy can greatly improve the outcome of tennis elbow and help individuals get back to the activities they love. With the help of a physical therapist, individuals with tennis elbow can reduce pain, improve joint function, and promote healing.

Stretching and Strengthening Exercises for Tennis Elbow:

Stretching and strengthening exercises are essential components of physical therapy for tennis elbow recovery. These exercises can help improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and increase strength in the affected arm.


Stretching and strengthening exercises are essential components of physical therapy for tennis elbow recovery. These exercises can help improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and increase strength in the affected arm. Physical therapists may recommend starting with isometric exercises (holds) and gradually progressing to eccentric (lengthening under tension) and concentric (shortening under tension) exercises. This progression helps to build strength, improve flexibility, and reduce the risk of further injury.

Examples of exercises that may be recommended include wrist flexor and extensor stretching, forearm strengthening, tennis ball squeeze, and resistance band exercises. Incorporating these exercises into your physical therapy plan, under the guidance of a physical therapist, can help individuals with tennis elbow recover from their injury and reduce the risk of future injury. By gradually building strength and improving joint function, you can get back to playing the sports you love, such as tennis, with increased confidence and reduced risk of injury.

How to Incorporate the exercises into your routine

Incorporating the physical therapy exercises for tennis elbow into your routine can be done gradually, under the guidance of a physical therapist. Physical therapists can work with you to develop a customized plan that takes into consideration your specific needs and goals, as well as your current fitness level.

It is important to start with light exercises and gradually progress to more challenging ones. This helps to reduce the risk of further injury and ensures that you are able to make progress in your recovery. Your physical therapist can help you determine the right progression for your individual needs, based on factors such as pain levels, joint mobility, and muscle strength.

Incorporating the exercises into your routine may also involve making changes to your daily activities and habits. This can include modifying your workstation to reduce stress on the affected arm, as well as avoiding activities that may cause pain. Physical therapists can provide guidance on how to make these changes, to help you achieve the best possible outcome from your therapy.

It is important to be consistent and persistent with your therapy exercises, as well as to communicate with your physical therapist if you experience any changes in your symptoms. With the right guidance, dedication, and patience, individuals with tennis elbow can recover from their injury and return to a pain-free, active lifestyle.

Soft Tissue Mobilization for Tennis Elbow

Soft tissue mobilization are important components of physical therapy for individuals with tennis elbow. These techniques help to increase blood flow, reduce pain, and improve the healing process.

Soft tissue mobilization, also known as manual therapy, involves the use of hands-on techniques to improve the function of the affected area. This may include techniques such as stretching, joint mobilization, and myofascial release. Soft tissue mobilization is performed by a physical therapist, who uses their hands to apply pressure and manipulate the affected area.

It is important to consult with a physical therapist to determine the right combination of soft tissue mobilization techniques for your individual needs. Physical therapists are trained to provide individuals with the right techniques to help them recover from their injury and return to a pain-free, active lifestyle. Those physical therapists with FAAOMPT credentialing have completed spost graduate education Fellowship. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (AAOMPT) is a national organization committed to excellence in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy practice, education and research.

How to Incorporate Massage and Soft Tissue Mobilization into your Routine

To incorporate soft tissue mobilization into your routine, you may start with self-massage using foam rollers, massage balls, or other tools designed for soft tissue mobilization. Physical therapists can teach you how to perform these techniques on yourself and provide guidance on the right progression for your individual needs.

Incorporating soft tissue mobilization into your routine may also involve making changes to your daily activities and habits. This can include avoiding activities that may cause pain, as well as modifying your workstation to reduce stress on the affected arm. Physical therapists can provide guidance on how to make these changes, to help you achieve the best possible outcome from your therapy.

In addition to self-massage, you may also receive hands-on soft tissue mobilization from a physical therapist. They can use their hands or Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Work (IASTM) to apply pressure to the affected area, to help reduce pain and improve range of motion.

It is important to be consistent and persistent with your therapy, as well as to communicate with your physical therapist if you experience any changes in your symptoms. With the right guidance, dedication, and patience, individuals with tennis elbow can recover from their injury and return to a pain-free, active lifestyle.

Scottsdale Physical Therapy and Performance for Tennis Elbow

Scottsdale PT and Performance offers a wide range of physical therapy services for individuals with tennis elbow. From stretching and strengthening exercises to soft tissue mobilization and other forms of rehabilitation. SPT&P have physical therapists trained to help individuals recover from tennis elbow and return to a pain-free, active lifestyle.

Our physical therapists in North Scottsdale use a variety of techniques and treatments to help individuals with tennis elbow, including blood flow restriction training, spinal manipulation, dry needling, and soft tissue mobilization. These techniques are designed to reduce pain and inflammation, improve range of motion, and strengthen the affected muscles and tissues.

One of the key benefits of working with a physical therapist from Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance for tennis elbow is the personalized attention and care that you will receive. Your physical therapist will conduct a thorough evaluation of your condition, assess your specific needs and goals, and develop a customized treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

In addition to helping individuals with tennis elbow, Scottsdale physical therapists also provide guidance and support on how to incorporate stretching and strengthening exercises into your daily routine, as well as how to modify your activities and habits to reduce stress on the affected area.

If you are looking for a safe, effective, and personalized approach to tennis elbow recovery, consider seeking the help of a physical therapist. With their expertise and guidance, you can recover from your injury, reduce your pain and inflammation, and return to a healthy, active lifestyle.

Why Choose Us?

Scottsdale Physical Therapy and Performance offers a wide range of benefits for individuals looking to recover from tennis elbow. From highly trained and experienced physical therapists to the latest in rehabilitation techniques and equipment, Scottsdale Physical Therapy and Performance is the best choice for anyone seeking effective and personalized care for tennis elbow.

One of the key benefits of choosing Scottsdale Physical Therapy and Performance is their team of highly trained and experienced physical therapists. These professionals are dedicated to helping individuals recover from tennis elbow and return to a healthy, active lifestyle. They use the latest in rehabilitation techniques and equipment, such as blood flow restriction training, spinal manipulation, dry needling, and soft tissue mobilization, to help individuals reduce pain and inflammation, improve range of motion, and strengthen the affected muscles and tissues.

Scottsdale Physical Therapy and Performance also offers a personalized approach to care, with each individual receiving a thorough evaluation and a customized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and goals. This ensures that each person receives the care and attention they need to make a full recovery.

In addition, Scottsdale Physical Therapy and Performance provides ongoing support and guidance, helping individuals incorporate stretching and strengthening exercises into their daily routines, modify their activities and habits to reduce stress on the affected area, and progress through their rehabilitation program effectively.

If you are looking for a safe, effective, and personalized approach to tennis elbow recovery, choose Scottsdale Physical Therapy and Performance. With their expertise, dedication, and commitment to your health and well-being, you can recover from your injury and return to a healthy, active lifestyle.

Services Offered at Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance

Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance offers a comprehensive range of physical therapy services designed to help individuals recover from injury and improve their overall health and well-being. Some of the services offered include:

  1. Orthopedic Physical Therapy: This type of therapy focuses on treating conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system, such as tennis elbow, sprains and strains, back pain, and arthritis.
  2. Sports Physical Therapy: This type of therapy is designed to help athletes and active individuals recover from sports-related injuries and improve their performance.
  3. Manual Therapy: This type of therapy uses hands-on techniques to improve mobility, reduce pain, and increase range of motion.
  4. Spinal Manipulation: This type of therapy is used to treat spinal conditions and improve mobility, reduce pain, and increase range of motion.
  5. Dry Needling: This technique involves the insertion of fine needles into the muscles to relieve pain and improve function.
  6. Blood Flow Restriction Training: This type of therapy involves using a special device to restrict blood flow to the affected area during exercise, resulting in improved strength and reduced pain.
  7. Soft Tissue Mobilization: This technique uses hands-on therapy to improve mobility and reduce pain in the soft tissues, including muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
  8. Stretching and Strengthening Exercises: This type of therapy involves performing specific exercises to improve flexibility, strength, and stability, reduce pain, and prevent future injuries.

These are just some of the services offered at Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance. The experienced and dedicated team of physical therapists works with each individual to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and goals. Whether you are recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or looking to improve your overall health and well-being, Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance has the expertise and commitment to help you achieve your goals.

Summary of Benefits for the Recovery of Tennis Elbow

Physical therapy offers a number of benefits for those recovering from Tennis Elbow, including:

  1. Relief of pain and discomfort: Physical therapy can help reduce the pain and discomfort associated with Tennis Elbow through the use of various manual therapy techniques and targeted exercises.
  2. Improved joint mobility: Physical therapy can help improve joint mobility and flexibility, allowing you to move your elbow more freely and without pain.
  3. Increased strength: Physical therapy can help strengthen the muscles and tendons around the elbow, reducing the risk of further injury and improving overall function.
  4. Improved posture and alignment: Physical therapy can help improve your posture and alignment, reducing the stress on your elbow and other joints and reducing the risk of future injury.
  5. Reduced risk of re-injury: With proper physical therapy, you can reduce your risk of re-injury by ensuring that your elbow is fully healed and properly strengthened.

Overall, physical therapy is a highly effective and non-invasive way to recover from Tennis Elbow and regain your strength, mobility, and quality of life.

Final thoughts on the importance of seeking help for Tennis Elbow:

Tennis Elbow can be a frustrating and painful condition, but with the right treatment and support, it is possible to recover and return to your favorite activities. By seeking help from a physical therapist, you can take an active role in your recovery and enjoy the many benefits that physical therapy has to offer.

Physical therapy can provide you with a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to reduce pain and discomfort, improve joint mobility and function, and reduce the risk of re-injury. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or simply enjoy playing tennis or pickle ball as a hobby, seeking help from a physical therapist is the best way to ensure that you are able to recover fully and get back to doing what you love.

So if you are experiencing Tennis Elbow, don’t wait. Seek help today and start your journey to recovery! With the right treatment and support, you can overcome this condition and get back to enjoying life to the fullest.

Encouragement to Take Action Today

If you are experiencing Tennis Elbow, it’s important to take action and start your journey to healing. Ignoring the symptoms or hoping they will simply go away on their own can lead to chronic pain, decreased mobility, and a longer recovery time. But by seeking help and taking an active role in your recovery, you can overcome this condition and get back to enjoying life to the fullest.

Physical therapy is a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to reduce pain and discomfort, improve joint mobility and function, and reduce the risk of re-injury. With the right treatment and support, you can recover from Tennis Elbow and return to your favorite activities, whether that be playing tennis, working out, or simply enjoying daily life.

So don’t wait any longer. Take action today and start your journey to healing. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you can start feeling better and get back to doing what you love. With the right support and guidance, the road to recovery can be quick, smooth, and effective, so don’t hesitate to reach out for help and start your journey to wellness today!


Dr. Tyler is a physical therapist and founder Scottsdale Physical Therapy & Performance in North Scottsdale, Arizona. He see golfers, MMA athletes and active adults. His focus is offering one-on-one sessions for 1 hour focused on developing individualized programs to get you back to your goals.

If you have any questions about online programing or want to stop in for a visit, please reach out by hitting “request appointment” in the top of the page.

– Dr. Tyler PT, DPT, FAAOMPT, TPI-2


Dr. Tyler Sinda

Tyler’s specialty is helping golfers, athletes and active individuals in Scottsdale find ways to allow them to continue to workout while rehabbing from injury.

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